Helping Kids have a Brighter Future.

Inform and Enable.

Bullying is a situation and circumstance that can be avoided and eliminated, but doing both takes an understanding of why the bullying is occurring and how to also help your child stay clear from being trapped by it’s harmful effects.

Buddies not Bullies offers a variety of programs for Prevention, Parents and Professionals.

More than 20 years of successful teaching and intervention have freed countless children from the lasting trauma of bullying.

mentor with young professionals

Materials for Prevention

Many educational materials and programs simply do not address how to prevent bullying but simply describe what it is. Our programs help everyone see the signs and stop the activities.

dad with son reading a book

Support for Parents

We create continuing education programs to address the needs of teachers and their student communities. From training on the latest technology to new pedagogical methods, we help teachers make their classrooms engaging and successful.

special education teacher with kids

Education for Professionals

Education happens within the context of a larger community. Our approach extends beyond the school to help ensure professionals have the necessary information to do their best to identify bullying and help prevent it.

“Kindness is the Gift we are all born with, and need to give away daily.”

— Anyone


The Journey does not need to be Alone.

Learn about Buddies Not Bullies Programs